Case Study > Web Development + Web Design + CMS +Responsive

Web Development + Web Design + CMS +Responsive

AJWInteractive Web Development + Web Design + CMS +Responsive
AJWInteractive Web Development + Web Design + CMS +Responsive

Client: Natacha Van
Project: Web Development
Region: Cambodia and Hong Kong

Natacha Van is a leading global talent fashion designer based in Cambodia. She wants her website to show her collection and the news about her.


Natacha wants her website design and creativity can have the high-end and fashionable feeling to visitors and she wants to be interactively present her lookbook.


AJWInteractive chose a user-friendly CMS system to let her to be able to publish the news in website. We made an interactive lookbook which can present her collection vividly.

AJWInteractive Web Development + Web Design + CMS +Responsive

AJWInteractive Web Development + Web Design + CMS +Responsive