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The signs that may make your website to redesign

AJWInteractive The signs that may make your website to redesign

Reponsive Website

In last few years, website started to be more device friendly and needed various devices to be able to access the website. The market told us that it was not good enough to build a website for a desktop or laptop computer, especially there are millions of people browsing the websites by their smartphone or tablets. Does your website are easily viewed on all mobile devices?

Hard to update website

When was your last time to update your website? Even an image or a letter! Is it because you don’t have coding knowledge or don’t have a CMS system to let you update yourselves. There are many CMS website system are very user friendly which can help you to create a new page or edit content.

Not able to add new features to the website

The internet world is keep growing and changing but your website is still keeping the same as 5 or 7 years ago. You may think of is how to add a Facebook Fan box or facebook like button in your website. This may make your company miss the chance to expose the company to the market or to potential customers.

Is your website very slow and take a long time to load?

Some people said if your website takes longer than 5 seconds to load, then you should optimize your website. Especially the people are now using mobile phone which gets limited data and this should make your website to load faster and not download so much information.

Does your website still have visitors?

If you use analytics tool and find out not many people come to visit or never stay in your website for a second, you may need to consider to revamp your website or the content. You can get a CMS system to control the content and keep your website look fresh either in content or the look.

Is your website showing in search engine’s result by some keywords?

This is related to your website whether have good SEO. Actually you don’t have to do so much to make your website favorable for SEO. But at least your website coding structure and your content have been kept updating are the basic needs for SEO.